Sjøforklaring 1939 - 1945

Informasjonen nedenfor vedr. skip i Nortraships flåte er direkte avskrift av orginalkilden "Sjøforklaringer fra andre verdenskrig (1940 - 1945)". Informasjonen her er fra sjøforklaringer holdt under og rett etter krigen og kan derfor avvike noe fra den øvrige kvalitetssikrede informasjonen i Krigsseilerregisteret.

9. april 1942
Nordøst for Moleasses Reef, Florida
Kollisjon med etterfølgende grunnstøting
Port Tampa - Halifax - Liverpool
  • Translation of Log Extract in connection with s.s. "BENWOOD"s foundering after collision

    Thursday 9th April 1942. Outside the Florida Coast on voyage from Port Tampa to United Kingdom with cargo of phosphate rock ...

    At 1.45 a vessel was observed coming towards us about 2-3 points on stb. side with parallel course. The course was altered about 1 point to port, simultaneously giving two short blasts in the steam whistle. Some time afterwards the meeting ship altered the course to stb. and gave one blast in the whistle. We replied with 2 blasts as there was no space to swing to stb. in order to go clear. As the collision could no be avoided, signalled full spead ahead and at the same time rang alarm to have the crew on deck. The collision occurred about 1.47. The colliding ship struck us in the bow. Stopped, and the damage examined and sounded all bilges and tanks. As the whole fo'c'sle head was smashed in and the water floing in to no. 1 room and the forepart commenced to sink and at about 2.45 order was given to the crew to take to the boats ...

    The vessel grounded immediately after she was abandoned. The captain's and the 2nd Mate's lifeboats standing by the wreck the whole time. At dawn attempts were made to board the ship burt the sea was too heavy. The midship and the after deck were partly above the water ...

    About noon the Captain hired a craft taking with him 6 men and went back to the ship. The sea had improved a little and succeeded in boarding the ship. About 20.00 the salvage vessel "Willet" arrived to investigate whether it was possible to salvage the vessel. Were standing by in the vicinity of the vessel until next deay at about 18.00, when attempts of salvaging the vessel were abandoned by the "WILLET".